Day 47: Test Knowledge on aws πŸ’» πŸ“ˆ

Day 47: Test Knowledge on aws πŸ’» πŸ“ˆ

day47 of 90daysofdevops


3 min read

Today, we will be test the aws knowledge on services in AWS, as part of the 90 Days of DevOps Challenge. 🦾


  • πŸ”– Launch an EC2 instance using the AWS Management Console and connect to it using SSH.

πŸ”– Install a web server on the EC2 instance and deploy a simple web application.

  • Update the package manager:

      sudo apt-get update

    Install Apache:

      sudo apt-get install apache2 -y

    Start the Apache service:

      sudo systemctl start apache2

    Copy the IP address of the EC2 instance and Paste the copied IP address into the browser's address bar

πŸ”– Monitor the EC2 instance using Amazon CloudWatch and troubleshoot any issues that arise.

  • Open the AWS Management Console and navigate to the CloudWatch service.

    In the navigation pane, click on "Metrics" and then click on "EC2" under the "Browse" tab.

    Select the desired metric(s) you want to monitor, such as CPU utilization, network traffic, or disk usage. I selected CPU utilization.

    Choose the EC2-USER-01 instance to monitor from the list

Click on Create Alarm


  • πŸ”–Create an Auto Scaling group using the AWS Management Console and configure it to launch EC2 instances in response to changes in demand.

    πŸ”– Use Amazon CloudWatch to monitor the performance of the Auto Scaling group and the EC2 instances and troubleshoot any issues that arise.

    While creating an Autoscaling Group, we used a Target tracking policy for Metric Type CPU Utilization. So it creates two 2 alarms in Cloud Watch.

    Once the alarm is set up, it will start monitoring the specified metric for the Auto Scaling group. If the metric exceeds the threshold that you have set, the alarm will be triggered and take the action that you have specified.

    Go to the auto-scaling group that we created, Click on the "Monitoring" tab, and enable "Auto scaling group metric"

    Create a CloudWatch for Autoscaling Group

    Cloudwatch > Alarm > Create Alarm > Ec2 > By Autoscaling group

    πŸ”– Use the AWS CLI to view the state of the Auto Scaling group and the EC2 instances and verify that the correct number of instances are running.

    Install AWS-CLI

      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt install awscli -y

    Configure your AWS CLI credentials

      aws configure

    To get the state of the Auto Scaling group:

      aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups

    To verify the number of instances running:

      aws ec2 describe-instances

If you have any questions or face any issues while doing the tasks, please let us know.

Happy Learning :)

~Ritul Gupta